Everyone has something that takes them away from the stress of work and everyday life. More often than not, post-work hobbies are dissimilar to what a person’s day job is. You might find a lawyer who toys with the idea of fighting in the octagon or a teacher who moonlights as an extra on a movie set. But animators… we like to blur the lines between work and play.

If polled, I suspect that most people in the industry might have a graphic novel, short film or illustration project going on after their day jobs have come to a close. My post-work activity of choice is drawing unsuspecting customers in coffee shops (I have my fair share of ideas for short films but, I will save that for later postings).

Yes – I am that guy who occasionally stares at you too long while trying to determine if your face is square or diamond shaped. I mean you no harm because, after all, this is my version of post work training. I would even say that it is an ongoing education in art. But unlike the classroom, the coffee shop comes with a factor of unpredictability.

On rare occasions I will get caught staring at a face, a nose, or even a behind that can’t be looked away from. On the off chance that I have been caught staring too long, my subject might leave for another table or turn a cold shoulder to me. That is OK: I can draw them from the back as well! On even rarer occasions someone might come up to speak to me. Normally the questions range from “what do you do for a living” to “how long have you been doing it.” I have even had people comment on how interesting it is to see a person wield a pencil and a sketchbook instead of an I-pad or a Mac. I remind them that the local office store still has a large chunk of space dedicated to writing implements designed to hold a lead.

If you should see me in your local coffee shop holding an aforementioned “lead based writing instrument” please feel free to ask questions, but try not to move: I might be in the process of drawing your nose!


Tim Stevens

Directing Animator & Coffee Shop Sketcher
