Do you ever have one of those years where you sit back and wonder if bagging groceries would pay better than being in advertising? For a lot of us 2011 was that year. I heard more than one person talk about retiring as well as hearing about larger ad agencies letting go of in house creative in favor of freelancers. So when it came to opening Stevens Design and Animation we consulted a lot of sources from veteran colleagues to the Magic 8 Ball. Unfortunately the Magic 8 Ball’s prognostications are about as good as they where when it came to choosing dates back in college. However, many of my veteran colleagues gave us the extra push that we needed to pursue our dream of running a production company. For the first 5 months of the year I am happy to announce that things have gone well. Old clients want to produce and new clients are on the way. From Florida to Maryland and back to California, producers are developing new creative.

Hopefully everyone is experiencing the up tick in production and advertising. Let’s face it: even a bad day in advertising and production is better than a good day bagging groceries.

Tim Stevens

Directing Animator