“…Early to bed: Early to rise: Work like hell and advertise!” It would seem like there is a lot of the first two going on these days but not nearly enough of the third. For decades advertising was one of the only recession proof industries. Even when budgets got slashed, and client meetings took place at the corner McDonald’s instead of the local bistro, the clients still had to have a presence in the market place. 

Oh how things have changed. This recession has made even the staunchest believers in Mr. Turner’s words for success take pause. However, all businesses would do well to take his advice. In a down turn like this, most companies can guarantee that their competitors will drop their advertising budgets to save a few pennies here and there. However, the smartest of the business owners know that you have to stoke the fire to keep warm by committing a percentage of profits, regardless of sales, to advertising and marketing. When the economy comes back, consumers will go to the business that is top of mind. 

Mr. Turner knows what he is talking about. 

Tim Stevens

Directing Animator